Graham and Elias 2011 Photos and Videos

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??? December 19

Watching Charlie Brown December 15

No nap Elias December 14

No nap Elias November 27

No nap Graham November 26

No nap Elias November 21

Halloween costumes - PacMan and Blinky Oct 31
Oct 30
Graham after bath, he didn't want to get his jammies on Oct 26
Grammie and Poppie's piano Sept 13

Legoland August 28

Random games August 12

Graham quick visit to Walburg, riding the tractor, eating watermelon straight from the garden. July 24
Graham working on his lessons on the Starfall app July 17
Elias crashed, reads himself to sleep some nights. July 15

Elias scraped his leg up today and Graham plays doctor later that night. July 14

Elias in the pool while we work on the deck. He helped us pick up some screws too. July 10
Graham chilling with the Aunt July 2
No rest for the iPad July 1

Graham helping Daddy at the house June 27

Graham playing with backpack June 16

Watermelon on Memorial weekend May 29
Sleepy Graham May 28

Mother's day May 8
Egg hunt (video 9m 58s) April 24

Easter candy April 24

April 17

Teach me.... what's that? April 16

Elias and Mommy are at the store April 10

King Elias April 2

Tuesday evening around the house March 29
Boys disturbing Mommy's iPad time March 29

Graham golfing March 17

Boys playing in Walburg March 12-13

Sunday party - 6 little boys, 5 adults, 880 square feet!! March 6
Legos February 21
Playing 'raft' or 'spaceship' not sure which they look very similar February 20

More playing in the toybox box February 19

Playing in the toybox box February 15

Graham after his bath February 1
Graham and Elias playing with balls (video 7m 6s) January 30
Graham carries the broom, Elias in the snow (video 2m 54s) January 28
Yes, he is sleeping like this. Threw a fit about something at bedtime and when I went in there after it had been quiet a while, there he is. January 27
Graham learns "touchdown" (video 2m 3s) January 24
Graham pulls books off the shelf (video 3m 21s) January 23
Graham walks! (video 2m32s) January 23