Cayce's Visit - July 4-14, 2004
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Cayce came to stay with us for a while again this summer. Among other things, we went to a Potomac Cannons baseball game, the local class A team. During the second weekend, we went cabin camping at Douthat State Park in western Virginia.


On a Tuesday evening, the stadium was pretty much empty. The Mascot's name is 'Big Shot', I think
Cayce and Holly agonize over the opening moves of Stratego (a "classic game of battlefield strategy") and later a game of Magic: The Gathering. We had some bad weather to wait out, so we brought plenty of games.

During a break in the weather, we took our bikes on the trail around the Lake. Nobody fell in, though there were a few tense moments. We had to walk a few stretches on both steep ups and downs.

Later, we went for a hike of a couple of miles, also around the lake. We detoured off the lake trail to see more of some of the wooded areas.
The cabin was not bad, full A/C, kitchen, fireplace, and sticky table! One too many coats of varnish I guess, hence the paper tablecloth we picked up at the Kroger in town.
Some of the old photos hanging up in the cabin, all of Douthat visitors from the late 30s I believe.
This was pretty amazing. Many have heard of the moths in England that adapted to the darker color of soot during the Industrial Revolution. I don't know if these moths actually did evolve to match the color of the light, but it sure looks like it. There were several of these moths hanging around the lamp day and night. In person, the lamp had even more of an iridescent color pattern.
And this moth, well that's just plain scary. It was at least 3" across.