Christmas - December 19-25

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Happy Elias, Bashful Elias
Digging in the garden
Playing with the windchimes, Music of the Spheres brand like ours but bigger and different chord
Scenes of typical family Christmas chaos
Amy and Jeff's little one Grant
Opening the presents
Elias and Aunt Joyce play Twinkle Twinkle
Elias gets tired of the fray and entertains himself.


Elias learns of papr-ika as a good addition to his signature dish "pepper-salt"
Calmer Cara, and good boy Farley

The Walburg Longhorn herd

Playing at the park in Georgetown
Another gorgeous Twin Creek Farms sunset
The dogs at sunset
Elias plays with the animals
Tonight's secret ingredient is cinnamon
Elias loves to lay on Farley

Grandmom's Jacuzzi tub makes big bubbles
He fell in the bubbles and was a little shaken up, but he was happy again soon enough.

Falls Church

Christmas Eve night, nearly a week after the big snow. The neighbor had her lights on still, and with the huge icicles it was a very wintry scene calling for a photo - hope she didn't mind me taking pictures of her house at 2 am!