Cox Farms - October 17, 2010

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An early autumn Sunday at Cox Farms

Elias didn't much like the smelly pigpen... check out his expression.
Checking out the henhouse
Elias really enjoyed pumping the water and watching it run down the sluice
Cool tractors

Elias and Mommy feed the goats
Watching the cattle munch... Elias fed one some hay.
In the 'corn maze', which was not really a maze but a sort of odd fenced path through a cornfield with various things to look at.

A really need wooden train

Elias tries the swinging rope

Graham taking it all in
Watching blackie walk around looking for attention.
Elias sliding down the dinosaurs rear.

The mama pig was a big hit!
Piglets, about 4 weeks old. The one was rather rude in finding a better spot.
The milking cow
Sleeping calves
Picking out pumpkins on the way out
Sleepy boys ... Elias was only partly acting