Dickey Ridge & Snead Farm - Shenandoah - February 14, 2004
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Valentine's Day - It's been a cold winter, and today was supposed to be warmer. The sun didn't come out, and I don't think it went much above freezing. But it's always warmer once you're moving.

We started this hike at the Dickey Ridge Visitor Center near the northern entrance to the park. Dickey Ridge trail takes you south parallel to Skyline Drive for a mile or so. Bending to the east then north, the Snead Farm trail takes you to, where else, the Snead Farm. Then we walked along an old road back to and through the picnic area and then the Visitor Center.

Hike Map Park Map
Click on a waypoint to see a picture taken there

GPS Data Elevation Profile
Elevation Change 1370 ft
Min Elevation 1807 ft
Max Elevation 2424 ft
Terrain Distance 3.6 mi
Climbing Distance 1.6 mi
Descending Distance 2.0 mi


(top to bottom) Maggie, a rock
This overlook offered the best view of the hike; the northen Shenandoah Valley.
In the second picture you can see the South Fork of the Shenandoah River.
The third picture is away from the overlook, up the mountain: our trail book says this area is a hang glider launch point.
This marker and trail is to Snead Farm and the far point of the hike.
South face; the snow that has been packed into ice by hikers doesn't melt as quickly.
North face; in the winter, the sun stays lower in the South sky and doesn't have a chance to melt the snow on the north facing slopes.
Cold? I'm not cold, what's the problem
The house at Snead Farm
The barn at the Snead Farm. I guess someone decided to rebuild the barn but not the house.
The chicken coop at Snead Farm?
We hiked this trail in reverse. The sign posts helpfully told us where we were.
Holly carried the daypack from the farm to the finish. She was really enjoying it!