Elias 2007 Photos and Videos

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Playing on the floor and getting some skin time December 11, 2007

Trying out his sleeping cap December 10, 2007

December 8, 2007

Feeding time, he's not quite learned that when Mommy takes the spoon away it's only to get more cereal. Then, photos of Elias in his outfit from Great-Grandmommie. November 26, 2007

Sunday at home November 25, 2007

Walburg visit November 11, 2007

Walburg visit November 10, 2007

Longhorns! November 07, 2007

Halloween, I call this Elias' Whataburglar costume. His hat didn't fit him probably because his brain is too big, and he kept stuffing his bib in his mouth so we took it off for the picture. We had more trick or treaters this year, maybe 8 or 9 groups. October 31, 2007

Teething toy fresh from the freezer and John Deere shirt October 27, 2007

Evening nap October 26, 2007

Outside on the deck after Greg's wedding. He's kind of relaxed but we got a few smiles and noises. October 20, 2007 3m 45s 29.5 MB
October 4, 2007

October 3, 2007

September 29, 2007
September 20, 2007
He loves being on his changing table September 14, 2007

Watching the mobile September 14, 2007
Being posed by Daddy September 14, 2007
Sitting on the couch, I call the second photo the GQ pose. September 14, 2007
Our 14lb 4oz, 24" long baby boy, 2 months 4 days August 28, 2007

Elias smiling August 26, 2007 2m 27s 18.6 MB
August 22, 2007
Elias sits with Poppie (name TBD) Sherard August 17, 2007
Crashed out on the boppy August 16, 2007

August 12, 2007
August 10, 2007
July 31, 2007
July 27, 2007

July 25, 2007

Waking up July 24, 2007 1m 19s 11.2 MB

Changing a diaper July 24, 2007 2m 39s 20.0 MB

Eating a bottle July 24, 2007 13m 30s 101.0 MB

Taking a walk July 24, 2007 4m 19s 32.6 MB

Daddy's home and eats dinner July 23, 2007 2m 46s 20.9 MB

Elias screams July 22, 2007 5m 30s 41.5 MB

What we do after Holly goes to bed July 21, 2007
Holly in Pimmit View Park, with Elias in the Moby wrap July 18, 2007
July 15, 2007

Elias in the flesh July 14, 2007
July 10, 2007
Monday morning, Monday evening July 9, 2007

Mommy gives a bottle July 8, 2007 4m 12s 31.8 MB

Baby squirm July 8, 2007 2m 12s 16.6 MB

Sitting in Daddy's lap 2 July 8, 2007 4m 54s 37.0 MB

Sitting in Daddy's lap 1 July 8, 2007 2m 30s 19.0 MB

July 8, 2007
Holly and Elias with her friend from high school Emily Barker and her boy William. Emily and Cam came to visit bringing some dinners and dessert and gifts - very nice of them! July 7, 2007
July 5, 2007

Elias sleeps. Scott demonstrates proper Moby wrap technique. July 4, 2007

Sleepy head wakes up July 4, 2007 2m 22s 18.0 MB

July 4, 2007 2m 30s 19.0 MB

Sitting in the swing July 4, 2007 1m 14s 9.4 MB

In the big boy chair July 4, 2007 0m 44s 5.6 MB

July 4, 2007 1m 54s 14.4 MB

We celebrate July 4th by taking video of the baby July 4, 2007 0m 27s 3.5 MB
July 3, 2007

July 1, 2007
June 30, 2007

Back at home after 48 hours in the hospital June 29, 2007 2m 41s 21.0 MB

Still sick, but starting to feel better now June 29, 2007 5m 54s 44.6 MB
June 29, 2007

Elias is sick, back to the hospital June 28-29, 2007 5m 55s 44.7 MB
June 28, 2007

June 27, 2007
June 26, 2007

Elias on a pillow June 26, 2007 0m 49s 6.3 MB

Elias comes home from the hospital June 26, 2007 2m 19s 17.7 MB

Grandparents meet Elias June 26, 2007 3m 55s 29.6 MB

June 25, 2007

Holly in the mother-baby room with Elias June 25, 2007 2m 19s 17.5 MB

7lbs 8oz June 24, 2007 13s 1.7 MB

Holly holds Elias for the first time June 24, 2007 1m 20s 10.1 MB
June 24, 2007

Holly wants us to watch her stomach move. Baby does not perform. June 2007 3m 51s 29.1 MB