Elias 2008 Photos and Videos

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  Subject Date Length Size
Elias in his tub December 9

Elias and Holly put up the Christmas Tree December 6

Got his new coat on, ready for Winter November 23
This AM, went to sleep on the couch, and while I was in the shower promptly fell off the couch. I heard a little cry, then nothing else. November 18

Playing around November 17
Sporting a new Texas Longhorns shirt November 15

Halloween, Elias did a little trick-or-treating October 31
New overalls from Grandmom and Grandad October 21

Visiting the doggies in Walburg October 18

Peek-a-boo and eating mommy's lip gloss October 13
Touchdown! October 12

Reading his book October 3

Sunday entertainment September 28

Eating his dinner - pasta, zuchinni, and parmesan. And, what happens when you play peek a boo during dinner. September 19

Playing in containers! September 11

Evening is a brittle time September 9

Overalls Elias plays in the yard September 4

"Show me the money!!" August 27
August 2

My favorite is the "Paparazzi" shot. July 27

In the pool July 26

Playing in his diaper box, and also one of his favorites, the broom July 4
Finally turned around in his car seat! June 17

Lights are out! June 16 1m 57s 7.3 MB

And a little bit better, with lots of "talking" June 16 2m 56s 10.8 MB

Hide and seek variant June 15 0m 56s 3.5 MB

Getting better at walking June 15 1m 11s 4.5 MB
Getting used to his toothbrush June 15
Still unsure about walking in the grass June 15

Elias taking a few steps May 31 1m 10s 4.4 MB

Playing in the kitchen May 31

Finishing the day off after the yard sale on the swingset May 17

Elias dancing, watch closely and you'll also see his sitting down dance move. May 16 3m 50s 14.2 MB
Bottle before bedtime May 13

Elias has Roseola, but doesn't seem to bother him much. He just gets cranky in the evening and then has a harder time going to sleep. Letting him lay on the couch did the trick tonight. He had a high fever on Saturday out of the blue and the rash developed from Sunday to today but seems to be going away. You can't really see the rash well here, the red spot by his eye is just a scratch. May 7

Elias's ticklish April 29 1m 52s 6.9 MB

"Maggie and Elias sitting in a tree" - WARNING MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR ALL VIEWERS April 29 1m 40s 6.2 MB

April 27

A few minutes worth of playing this morning before going to Rosa's house April 24

Elias does hi five April 21 40s 2.5 MB

Elias' Jurassic Park impression April 20 34s 2.2 MB

A few photos from Anjali's - our neighbor Rosa's granddaughter - 2nd birthday party. Anjali is in the 3rd photo. Looks like a lot of eating and drinking, but Elias did play quite a bit. I didn't get the camera until the end. April 19

New shoes April 19 1m 1s 3.9 MB

Swinging on his new swing! April 5

Elias on his new swingset April 5 1m 50s 7.0 MB

Elias plays with Maggie March 27 1m 43s 6.42 MB

Karate chop! March 27 1m 55s 7.2 MB

After lunch, he falls asleep with his bottle. March 26

Playing in his crib in the morning before bath. March 26

March 26

First Easter egg "hunt" March 23 1m 22s 5.2 MB

Easter dinner at the club March 23 2m 19s 8.7 MB

Bedtime Elias playing with newspaper March 22 1m 54s 7.0 MB

Crawling and standing March 9 8m 51s 33.4 MB

Trying out his new lowered crib March 8

Turns out he's not sure he likes water yet. March 4

Eating Cheerios March 2

Napping, perfected the art of holding his own bottle, February 24

What could be more entertaining than a shoe? (actually a paper envelope is, we have since discovered) February 20

Afternoon nap February 16

February 15

A warmish day offers a chance for Elias to see what grass is (and dried up leaves) February 9

Elias scooting February 16 7m 51s 29.0 MB

New shirt (18M) and bongo drums February 3

Being cute January 27, 2007

Eating apples January 20, 2007

Elias playing with Maggie January 16 2m 21s 17.9 MB

Elias learning to move January 13-16 6m 44s 51.0 MB

Taking a bath January 14, 2007

January 13, 2007

January 8, 2007