Elias' 1st Birthday Party - June 21-22, 2008

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We spent Elias' first birthday celebration weekend in Walburg. Elias had lots of visitors, presents, and cake. He also had his share of bumps, cuts, and bruises getting used to walking around his new environment. We'll make a traveler of him yet.

Elias greedily eating lunch of cheese
Elias spends some time with Grandpa Lee

Cara, get down.
Poppie playing with the bell; Elias dances

Opening his presents
[Video] Doin' the twist
The neat cake Elias' Grandmom picked out for the party. The waves and in particular were painted well.
The candle was blown out

Of course, the obligatory stuffing of cake in mouth
[Video] Happy Birthday to Elias. Cake.
[Video] The Barn Swallows nested on the back porch.
The Big Dipper, 2 sec/f1.8/ISO 800 on Canon 28mm prime
True North, 2 min/f3.5/ISO 100 on Canon 28mm prime
The Big Dipper, 30 min/f3.5/ISO 100 on Canon 28mm prime. It was very overexposed, had to darken the image a lot. I should have stopped way down from previous exposure, duh, it's 15x longer.

Playing in the grass on a hot, sunny day.
His new horse, and the few seconds he would keep his great new hat on his head.