Glacier NP - September 21, 2004

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Day 3

Two Medicine: Paradise Point and Aster Falls

A topographic map of Two Medicine near the campground and parking area. We hiked about 3.3 miles in 1 hour 50 minutes. Thanks to National Geographic Trails Illustrated for a great map.

The view from Paradise Point on Two Medicine Lake. The first photo shows 7522 ft Scenic Point in the background

Meadows along the path from Paradise Point back to the main trail
A chipmunk busy along the trail
I believe this is Appistoki Peak to the east
and I think this is Sinopah Mountain (right) and Painted Teepee Peak (left). If so, that would make Cobalt Lake and its backcounty campground between and past the two.
A hawk, if I remember right, standing atop the tree pole
What I assume are bear scatchings on a tree along the trail. In this meadow, there was a pretty strong scent of an animal of some kind. Of course, those claw marks had probably been there for months.
A log footbridge crossing Aster Creek

After left turn onto a side trail and a bit of a climb, we reached Aster Falls, where we would decide to turn around and head back to the car
What kind of bird is this? I'm not sure

Back across the meadow... let's just call it Grizzly Bear Meadow because that's what I was thinking about.
Action shot of Holly, notice the Counter Assault bear spray attached to hip
An example of the trail posting at the trailhead. Often you will read that a trail has been 'posted' for bear frequenting. If that is the case, the third area at the bottom would have an additional sign.
Two Medicine Lake from the shore near the parking area

US 2 from Two Medicine to West Glacier

A memorial to the chief engineer of the Great Northern Railroad John F Stevens and then President Theodore Roosevelt. John F. Stevens would later contribute to the initial planning and engineering of the Panama canal.
Along US 2 south of the park, Marias Pass is the lowest pass over the Continental Divide at 5216 ft
A short trail from a parking area leads to an Goat Lake Overlook where our guidebook said mountain goats frequent. None were present today.
The Flathead River

Camas and North Fork Roads from West Glacier to Polebridge

From the Camas Road north across forests burned by recent forest fires
Over half of the Outside North Fork Road is unpaved and a rough ride. Doesn't help we were given a low-riding 2 door Chrysler by the rental car company.

The bridge across the North Fork Flathead River just before the Polebridge Ranger Station.

Polebridge to Bowman Lake

The road from Polebridge Ranger Station to Bowman Lake is something! Hilly and rough with only one lane and many blind curves. Luckily we were about the only people out there. The blackened trees and young growth in this area are evidence of how widespread the fires were.

Spectacular, serene Bowman Lake

Bowman Lake to West Glacier through Polebridge

Back along the road from Bowman Lake to Polebridge
A great photo of burned old growth being replaced by new growth.

A sign points right to Kintla Lake and left to Polebridge Ranger Station
Polebridge Ranger Station
The Middle Fork Flathead River

The tiny town of Polebridge
Two signs along the Camas Road. The second sign shows regions affected by recent fires. The first sign talks about the advantages of freshly burned forests to wildlife and young plants.