Glacier NP - September 22, 2004

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Day 4

Logan Pass

Logan Pass socked in fog, as is often the case apparently. We visited the pass several times, including this morning, when the weather below was decent to try to get a shot at the Highline Trail. Time after time we found the fog level was just below the pass.

Avalanche Lake Trail

A map of Avalanche Lake and surrounding area. Thanks to National Geographic Trails Illustrated for a great map. Our hike was 5.75 miles round trip (not just to the lake, we hiked around it part way) and lasted 3.5 hours.
Small waterfall on Avalanche Creek

The canyon of the Avalanche Creek trail is littered with downed trees and giant boulders swept downstream by the flood waters of melting snow and runoff.
Just below and left of center, you may be able to see the goat or sheep on the cliff. Amazing how they can move on these ledges
At the end of Avalanche Lake, a log jam formed at the Avalanche Creek outlet
Avalanche Lake
Tamias minimus or the 'least chipmunk' is often referred to as the 'sandwich chipmunk' here along the shores of Avalanche Lake
A photographer of the lake and its scenery. After lugging that camera and tripod all the way down the trail, I'm sure he'll be taking a number of shots.

Chip again, this time he got himself a cherry from somewhere (or maybe someone?). He looked for food from us, but was disappointed. Now he's a web-star though. Not much consolation for a hungry rodent.
From further around the edge of the lake
The green hue is most visible from certain angles
A view from further along the shore trail. The second photo looks back to the 'main' shore area where the earlier photos were taken
Looking at these photos reminds me of the sheer size of these mountain cliffs

More evidence of the power of the flooding creek
This massive boulder must have been at least 50 feet tall. Imagine that crashing down from above!
Just downstream from these rapids a deep channel was cut into the rock.

Notice how smooth the rock is. The rush of the water was awesome

West Glacier Laundromat

The West Glacier Laundromat
Our 2-door Chrysler Sebring. Why did they give us such a small car for touring such a Big Place?


Whitefish is a nice town not too far west of the West Glacier park entrance. Its downtown area is geared towards tourists looking to eat/relax.
The park near the train station in Whitefish