Glacier NP - September 25, 2004

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Day 7

To Waterton Lakes in Canada

Chief Mountain, which is right on the eastern park boundary.
We saw some very interesting clouds today. Looking them up later they are called orographic stratiform clouds and are formed near mountains often on very clear and windy days.
Crystal clear Cameron Lake, at the far end of the Akamina Parkway.
Akamina Parkway
Another orographic stratiform cloud... I believe of the lenticular variety. Or, as I like to call it, the UFO cloud.

Around Waterton (town)

Cameron Falls very near Waterton Townsite has some of the oldest observable rock in the Rockies. 1.2 to 1.5 billion years old. Notice the slant on each side of the fault.
Upper Waterton Lake on a brilliant day
A stand of trees lakeside had beautiful yellow fall foliage
Even the grand Prince of Wales hotel is dwarfed by the majesty of its setting

Red Rock Parkway

More orographic stratiform (UFO)
Near the beginning of the Red Rock Parkway
This mountain side has interesting strata, which I believe indicates it was sheared by a glacier in the past.
This landscape with large lumps in it near it to the right of the previous photo is a glacial moraine. The lumps are the deposits of rock and debris left behind by the moving glacier that once flowed through and created this plain.

Red Rock Canyon

The red mudstone of this canyon contains hematite, formed by oxidizing iron in shallow sea areas.
This stone has marked ripples in it, formed by the shallows of an ancient sea.
Nickels Deep canyon is said to be carved the thickness of one or two nickels width's a year.
This cliff and similar ones are thought to have been used by native people to drive bison to their deaths.

Bison Paddock

'Bison may attack you' in the fenced bison paddock, where you can drive through in your car and observe them.

A mountain goat, a bit closer than we've seen them

Going-to-the-Sun Road

Closing out our trip, one last drive of the Going-to-the-Sun Road. This is Heaven's Peak.