Graham and Elias 2010 Photos and Videos

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Elias tucks in Maggie and reads her a book December 17
Graham carrying around his toy - third photo is what I call a 'bigfoot' photo December 11
Elias in his Thomas hat December 9

December 5

Elias falls asleep in his food again (no afternoon nap). Later, playing with cups before bedtime. November 28
November 27
November 12
Graham and Elias dancing to Lady Gaga
4 min 17 sec
October 28
9 month old Graham playing peek a boo all by himself
2 min 32 sec
October 18

October 2

Walburg visit September 27-28

Elias' Day Out with Thomas (and mini-golf) in Burnet October 1

Camera's fixed! It's a beautiful Saturday. September 18

Growing up, pulling up August 22

Luke's birthday party August 22

Graham visits grandparents in Walburg July 16

Too hard to choose! July 16
Elias got his face painted by a real artist at a birthday party. Shown here after the party, his mouth 'dots' had smeared in with ice cream sundaes. Graham was real excited too. July 10

Elias at Poppie and Grammy's house for the week. June 8
This one's fuzzy, but it works May 30

May 29

Boys around the house May 22

Graham in his crib May 16

Boys watching Toy Story. May 9

Graham on Mommy's lap May 1
Mommy oiling Graham's head May 1
Graham in his chair April 30

Bedtime April 27

Graham smiling April 19
Easter hunt!
"Pants on the ground. We're not missing it. Bye, Elias!"
Video is 8m 25s
April 4

Elias and Graham by the back door March 27

Cooking supper March 27

This is what happens when you don't take your nap
Video is 1m 17s
March 27

Who does he look like in these last two? March 21

In the Walburg portrait studio March 20
Elias at the Austin Stock Show (video 2m 30s) March 19
Elias rides the ponies (video 2m 29s) March 19
Elias has a belt made (video 2m 05s) March 19
Elias eats lunch with Great-Grandpa Tom March 17
Graham and Grandmom March 17
Graham gets lotion for his windburned cheeks March 17
Elias plays in his old chair March 13
Graham sleep-flourishing March 6

March 6
New big-boy underwear March 1

Poppie gets a little holding time February 8

Graham relaxes while held by Grammie February 7

Poppie executes the outlawed Flying Lindy February 7

February 6

Eating an apple snack February 6

Graham the orator practicing his hand talking February 4
February 3

Graham meets his Grandmom; Elias holds his baby brother January 31

January 27
January 25
January 23
January 19

January 17
Graham gets his first bath at home (video 7m45s) January 16
January 15

January 14

Elias inspects baby brother January 13
Graham lays in the crib (video 3m09s) January 13

First full day at home, a few periods of wakefulness here and there. January 13

First night at home January 12
Elias meets his baby brother (video 6m40s) January 13

Going home today January 12

2nd day at the hospital January 11
Graham's Birth Day! January 10
Graham's Birth Day! (video 3m39s) January 10