| Maggie fords Jeremy's Run, about a mile or so into the hike
| Holly's is not so sure
| Maybe crossing at the log will be easier
| OK, now what?
| Just do it, you wimp! :) (says he whose socks are wet)
| After conquering the raging Jeremy's Rapid, "OK, I feel stupid"
| The jacket comes off... a short climb of 1000 feet to the crest of the ridge along Knob Mountain will warm you up!
| Maggie says, No Problem
| This is the remnants of the rock boundary that mark the crest of the ridge. Time to turn left.
| Continuing down the Knob Mountain Trail
| Can you see?
| How 'bout now?
| OK, how about now? I'm surprised this doe let us so close, we didn't see a single person for a couple of hours along this backcountry trail.
| A fuzzy caterpillar Holly somehow spotted along a service road leading to Matthew's Arm Campground
| Some campsites at Matthew's Arm
| ww-oooo-mmm-ee-nnn, that's right, sound it out, girl! (just kidding)
| Holly's favorite shot
| Along the closer-to-the-road Elkwallow Trail, there is a boardwalk stream crossing.
| Maggie sits on a log fallen across the path
| A few red leaves, though most in the park area were yellow or light orange (or green)
| After the hike, we took delayed our race to the fast food stop a bit to take a few obligatory "scenic point" pictures.