Stevensons Visit the Stevensons - July 1-6, 2004
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Mom and Dad and Cayce flew to Virginia visit this summer. It was their first visit since we moved up here, so we did some of the traditional sight seeing. We did get lucky that they were here for the 4th of July, and so everything was jazzed up a bit.

Antietam Battlefield

One flag was planted in a field here for a July 4th memorial of the victims of September 11, 2001.
In the second photo from the observation tower, you can see the field in the distance and feel how many flags were out there.

The Cornfield

Also, a pink granite monument to a Texas unit that suffered heavy casualties here
The Sunken Road a.k.a. Bloody Lane
From the observation tower at the end of the sunken road
"Burnside's" Bridge
A very friendly butterfly just wouldn't leave us alone. Many pictures were taken, but this one is representative.

Harper's Ferry, WV

Harper's Ferry is part historically restored town, part tourist shop.
Re-enactors put themselves on display for the holiday
Looking out onto where the Shenandoah River flows into the Potomac. The photographer is in West Virginia, the land to the left is Maryland, the land to the right is Virginia.
On this cliff, there is an old billboard of sorts blasted into the mountain. It is square and directly above the bridge in the photo.
A train tunnel leading away from Harper's Ferry into Maryland

Arlington National Cemetery

The Tomb of the Unknown

The guard is changed on the half-hour during the summer.
The view of Washington from the Kennedy gravesite
The view of Washington from Arlington House and Pierre L'Enfant's grave.
Arlington House was the home of Robert E. Lee and his wife's family.
L'Enfant was the architect of the city.
A very old cedar tree growing near Arlington House. I believe the guide said it had been struck by lightning 5 times.

Mount Vernon

The house
Cayce shields herself and Mom from the camera
A military display by Revolutionary re-enactors
Cannon demonstration
Behind the cloud is a line of men. Once the smoke clears, they ready their bayonets and charge (for a short distance).

July 4th Fireworks from Iwo Jima Memorial

Over the Lincoln Memorial
Iwo Jima (Marine) Memorial

Great Falls (Virginia)