Montpelier 2008 - November 11, 2008

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We had wanted to see James Madison's home for several years but it has been under construction. It just so happened that the weekend the Sherards were visiting, there was a large race event (steeplechase) going on the grounds. Yes, there is a giant horse track (a couple actually) directly in front of the former president's home.

Several thousand people were in attendance to watch them chase the steeple, complete with their finest event-appropriate clothing and event-appropriate wine and cheese tailgating. An interesting sight.

The grass course
Jack Russell Terriers must be the modern day traditional warm-up activity for a steeplechase, they have sprints and agility activities.
Montpelier, freshly renovated, but mainly empty of furniture or other props
Elias plays with his Grammy and Poppie while we look around the house.

A small sample of what was apparently the main event apparently. I didn't get any pictures of the serious people, not enough guts to just take their picture as if it were a zoo.