National Zoo - June 1, 2003
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Cayce's Summer Visit 2003

We went to see the pandas Washington got from China a year or so ago. We got to see most everything but pandas. They were uncooperative.

Baby elephant walking
Baby elephant rolling
Baby E (MOVIE) This guy (girl?) was my second favorite
Baby E 2 (MOVIE) Obviously used to putting on a show
Camel chewing
Camel chewing
Peacock pecking
Prarie dog peaking (can you find him?)
Emu observing
'Roo just chillin
"No natural predators"
This is the starting line for a foot race with the leopard ...
The finish line is down where I'm waving my arm. If you can make it in 1 second, you might have a chance
And this is a single stride for a sprinting cheetah
The gorillas were my favorite, they were a family of 3.
He reached up out of the blue and decided to rip off a big branch for a snack. That obviously doesn't happen very often, but there weren't many low branches any more.
Gorillas 1 (MOVIE) A movie I was able to shoot of the gorilla breaking a smaller branch off the cracked tree limb
Gorillas 2 (MOVIE) Papa starts to much, junior decides to follow his lead
All three, enjoying some leaves off the branch.
Cayce takes a picture of Holly
Holly takes a picture of Cayce
Shir Khan