Old Town Alexandria - May 24, 2008

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We spent a half day walking around Old Town, took an interesting tour of an old apothecary. Interestingly, the tour didn't tell us one fact that my guide book mentioned, which is that in 1859 Robert E. Lee received his orders to put down the insurrection in Harper's Ferry (John Brown) while at this apothecary. Robert E. Lee's boyhood home is in Alexandria.

The Old Town visitor's center
City Hall
Dragon's Blood? What is this, Professor Snape's dungeon? No, it's the upstairs storage and lab area of the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary (now a museum).
Memorial Day weekend, of course, means Rolling Thunder throughout the DC area.
The George Washingont Masonic Memorial in Alexandria.
The view of Old Town from the Masonic Memorial. The plaque illustrates a similar view during the Civil War.