Shenandoah - Big Meadows Camping - Jul 31-Aug 2, 2009

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Second camping trip this year, this time at Big Meadows which pretty much requires reservations for a summer weekend. It was a nice campground, actually much quieter than expected. We had site A35 a walk-in that was still relatively close to the car.

Eating lunch of PBJ
Elias exploring the walk-in trail
A butterfly near camp
Chris and Emerson joined us for an hour at camp and a couple hours' hike.
Dark Hollow Falls

After about a mile of fire road and maybe 1/2 mile of trail, we stopped at a water hole to get the boys' feet wet.
Quick Maggie-rock
Some video of camp deer, etc

After dinner drive to see some evening views
Sunday morning was solid rain, making for a messy getaway. But after breakfast at the wayside cafe and packing up we were able to get a bit of blue sky peeking through.
The Old Rag View overlook, very pretty this time with the wildflowers.