SNP Hazel Falls - June 12

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This hike is right at the front of one of our hiking guides, but we always overlook it for whatever reason. I think maybe because of the misprint that shows it as 2.6 miles instead of 5.2, we always figure it's not long enough to be worth the drive. It was a real pleasure to find such a nice hike that we have not done before and one so accessible. It's just 2 miles south of the Thornton Gap entrance in the central district.

This hike has some really wonderful woodlands, and ther were very few people despite the number of cars at the trailhead. They must be on other branching trails.

Mountain Laurel. Unfortunately blooming Mountain Laurel = crazy tick season
A box turtle Holly spotted on the trail. Glad I didn't step on him, could have been a rock.
Holly climbs down the stairs to the river

There's quite a bit of water here, for some reason I neglected to take many pictures. See the caves along this very large granite wall.

Family pictures
Maggie is such a trooper, made it the whole way without needing to be carried. This despite a long time since our last hike. She was dragging the last mile and change though.

More really beautiful woodland scenery.
Maggie on the rock!

Graham back in the car, he was a good baby all that time in the backpack.