Doyle's River and Loft Mountain Camp - Shenandoah - May 8-9, 2004
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We got to the Loft Mountain campground in southern Shenandoah NP and spent an hour looking around and picking a campsite. After we had unloaded enough stuff to mark our spot, we headed down the road a bit to the trailhead for the Doyle's River hike.

Hike Map Park Map
Click on a waypoint to see a picture taken there

GPS Data Elevation Profile
Elevation Change 1360 ft
Min Elevation 1902 ft
Max Elevation 2864 ft
Terrain Distance 3.1 mi
Climbing Distance 1.5 mi
Descending Distance 1.5 mi
Elapsed Time 2.5 hrs

GPS had some trouble keeping a signal this day, so this is rough estimate

Doyles River Trail

When we got to our camp at Loft Mountain, we tied Maggie off and let her roam around. She promptly found some deer poop and rolled all in it. So, first chance I got on the trail I took off my socks, shoes and unzipped the legs of my pants and scrubbed her down in the stream. This is the spot, just where Browns Gap (fire) Road intersects the trail.
The first small cascade we encountered
Attempting to take the traditional picture of Maggie, I was embarrasingly observed by some strange guy with a gigantic walking stick. I'm sure he thought I was crazy, but I think he was too so, whatever.
The stream is only a trickle for much of the way, here this rocky bed cuts across the trail. Debris from storms I guess lines the creek in this area.
The upper fall, about 30 feet high.

The lower fall, about 75 feet high.
Maggie liked her bathing spot so much, she returned to it on the return trip.
The trailhead
To the west from a scenic overlook on Skyline Drive

Loft Mountain Camp

Setting up camp (before the hike)
Maggie eyes a deer that thinks our campsite (or more likely our food) belongs to him.
Holly roasts hot dogs over the camp fire. We didn't really need a fire I guess, but we were still sore over not having one the last time we went due to the rain.
(morning) Maggie decided the tent is really the best place to be.
In the background you can see our favorite camper neighbors. We thought we'd have this quiet, peaceful area pretty much to ourselves until around 8pm (on a Saturday night) three young girls came screaming down the trail. They gleefully selected from a handful of candidates the site next to us (this one is the best!), and the two dads came down to set up the camp. They weren't that bad, but it really was a perfect spot for several hours.
Cooking pancakes in the morning.