Shenandoah South River Falls - March 7, 2009

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The South River Falls trail leaves from the South River Picnic Area, near the Swift Run Gap entrance at the south end of the central district.The trip is a there and back, about 3.5 miles, though you can loop back on a fire road for about the same distance. We figured a short trip would be good as we're all getting back into hiking shape after winter. Of course, I had to go an step wrong on a tree root, not paying attention, and sprain my ankle 20 minutes in. Elias enjoyed the ride down to the ground (uh oh, fall down), but stayed snug in the backpack.

Nevertheless, we made it through to the falls, as nice a spot as you'll find in the park.

Gearing up

Much of the trail is alongside the stream, which is a nice feature in a hike.
Maggie appreciates it also; she likes to soak her feet and get a drink whenever she can.
Maggie on her rock
Elias stayed awake most of the way, but ultimately he can't resist nap time.
We hike back upstream to reach the foot of the falls
At the falls, it's snacktime. Holly was trying to give maggie some granola from her hand, but she wouldn't take it. Elias didn't mind.
Maggie pretty much just wants to keep moving, so she whines at us. But, we let her off leash as we were along and she wandered around the hollow.

South River Falls, third highest in the park according to our book
Daddy hiking, Boy hiking
  Subject Date Length Size
South River Falls, 2m 2s
Holly and Elias snacking, 1m 30s
Maggie 'twisting'
A really large number of trees are down here. The moss provides color in the late winter landscape.
Elias watching another young boy in the picnic area parking lot, 0m 46s