Shenandoah - Panorama - February 3, 2008

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With temperatures up to the 50s on the weekend, we decided to get out and try out Elias' new backpack. We haven't been to Shenandoah in over a year, so we were past due. Unfortunately, Skyline Drive was closed due to ice even though it didn't seem that bad. We were able to get to Panorama entrance station where there was a trailhead leading to Mary's Rock. It was almost 4 miles roundtrip, but we wound up having to turn around because the trail really did get icy. It still felt good to get out for an hour or two.

Elias enjoyed his ride
Ice fallen from the trees, looked like someone dumped their cooler out
The closed Skyline Drive
We did have to turn around a bit past this
Maggie did have time to look for and find a rock
Happy again after part of a bottle
Too much excitement