Shenandoah N.P. - Rose River - May 11, 2002
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Our exploration of Shenandoah National Parks trails continues with the Rose River Loop. The loop is about 4 miles of moderate hiking along creeks the entire way. A very nice walk, you can swim if you want!

Fisher's Gap overlook along the Skyline Drive, just North of Big Meadows.
The parking area is right across from the trailhead to the Rose River Loop.
Below is the Shenandoah Valley.
First encounter with Rose River (Should really be Rose Creek or Rose Run)
Rest stop #1, Maggie's not tired.
The first of many cascading pools along the river and it's tributaries (called Branches here)
The river begins to widen a bit, Maggie goes up to splash around a bit. Cameraman was too slow for that picture though.
Once again, too slow. But don't blink, cause you'll miss the tongue.
Same pool, for those who prefer no dog.
The next 4 pictures are from the largest waterfall and cascading pool on this section.
Several pools, including this one, would be just fine for swimming. Here it looks about 3-6 feet deep and about 10 yards (meters) across.
This shot is from a rock in the middle, precarious photography.
Happy Maggie
The easy parts (they're not all like this!)
Nearing the end
Towards the end along a fire road is Cave Cemtery, I believe from before the park was here.