| Fisher's Gap overlook along the Skyline Drive, just North of Big Meadows.
| The parking area is right across from the trailhead to the Rose River Loop.
| Below is the Shenandoah Valley.
| First encounter with Rose River (Should really be Rose Creek or Rose Run)
| Rest stop #1, Maggie's not tired.
| The first of many cascading pools along the river and it's tributaries (called Branches here)
| The river begins to widen a bit, Maggie goes up to splash around a bit. Cameraman was too slow for that picture though.
| Once again, too slow. But don't blink, cause you'll miss the tongue.
| Same pool, for those who prefer no dog.
| The next 4 pictures are from the largest waterfall and cascading pool on this section.
| Several pools, including this one, would be just fine for swimming. Here it looks about 3-6 feet deep and about 10 yards (meters) across.
| This shot is from a rock in the middle, precarious photography.
| Spidey?
| Happy Maggie
| The easy parts (they're not all like this!)
| Nearing the end
| Towards the end along a fire road is Cave Cemtery, I believe from before the park was here.