San Francisco - Jan 1-3, 2002
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On the Airplane, Crossing the Sierra Nevadas

Chris' Cabin

Look closely, that's not a dog swimming, it's a sea lion.

The Forest of Nisene Marks State Park

Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park

Again, low light thwarts my pictures, but just look at the size of this tree family!
I'm pretty sure the rest of these are actually from Nisene Marks, but I'm not going to rename them all.

Monterey Aquarium

This is a decorator crab; he attaches those pink things to himself for camoflauge.
The coastal birds exhibit
Mr. Seagull was very still for his picture. Too bad I didn't have food for him. HAHAHAHA
The star attractions... two friendly sea otters who love to perform.
They also have lots of neat jellyfish
Big ole sea turtle, hiding on the bottom of the big tank

San Francisco

Most of our time in San Francisco was very foggy, you could barely even see Alcatraz Island!
Can't pass this one by!
The artist, his reflection, and some cool angle-photography
We all enjoyed our cable car (trolley) ride up the hill of the Van Ness St. line
California St. from the cable car... a famous place for photos. The Oakland Bay Bridge can be seen at the far end.
The Transamerica Pyramid
The end of the line... got to turn it around, ya know.
On the way down, we got to sit on the outside section.
SF from the Fisherman's Wharf area
The Bay was socked in
Another view of the city from the Wharf
On the bus back to the train station back to San Jose
A few shots of our return from the Chinatown area in the evening