Switzerland 2011 - Day 12

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To get an extra day around the lakes in the nice weather, we stayed along the north side Lake Thun and toured Brienz and the open air cultural/building museum. The Freilichtmuseum was a sprawling area with buildings moved there from all around Switzerland. A sort of Colonial Williamsburg for Switzerland. Really interesting, but tiring and just so much to see. Then back through Interlaken for some shopping and onwards to Bern for the evening, the capital.

0m 41s Waterwheel powered sawmill at the Freilichtmuseum

Fred Wesley. A jazz trombone player who I actually had a CD of in high school. Amazing to see a poster for him in Interlaken.

Some guys trying to fix their backup sensor from beeping, a problem we had continuously throughout the trip. Just funny at the time, theirs wouldn't shutup.

Yummy dark chocolate with raspberrys I got (Holly had her hand picked assortment) at a very nice chocolate place in Interlaken.

Moved onto Bern now, the old clock tower. The view here (the main intersection in old town) completely obliterated by the electric bus lines - ugly!
Bern colorful statues are widely known, originally intended to brighten the cities drab buildings. The most famous statue - the child eating ogre shown here. Who knows?

View of/from our room at Hotel Allegro.