Shenandoah N.P. - White Oak Canyon - September 3, 2001 Shenandoah N.P. - White Oak Canyon - September 3, 2001
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White Oak Run, you can see a foot bridge in the background that we crossed to get to this point just upstream from the main waterfall
The same shot as above, from further downstream
Maggie, in distress because I am closer to the water, where she wants to be.
Looking downstream, just above the 90-foot cliff-type waterfall. There's more water than it looks here.
Same shot with one small difference.
Farther downstream is the best falls overlook, this is the top of the falls...
... this is the bottom, from over the rock out-cropping, into the base pool
Take 1: camera operator pushes button after pose is over. Maggie licks her nose.
Take 2
We stopped at some random overlook to finish off the roll... even on a clear day, misty clouds form in the late afternoon.